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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving 1

I just got the Ross family tradition of Cranberry Fluff into the fridge and had a little time to kill before finishing chores, showering and heading out to kick off the holiday season with Thanksgiving dinner with family. I thought it would be a good time to pause and reflect my thankfulness. I feel like a broken record because I keep telling you guys how thankful I am to have you in my life. Without you, I would be jobless….and let me tell you, I was raised that productive work is right up there with God and Family as far as priorities go. So, I took a little stroll through my recent pictures on my phone to see if I had any that would mesh with Thanksgiving…’s what I found….

Happy Thanksgiving 2
There are no dead horses in this picture. That’s my Mocephus basking in the sunshine like a turtle. He’s a chubby dude and lives to aggravate me! Nortica is laying down in what I call the lamb position. She’s dirty and muddy, but perfect. Sassy, the baby mini, has her butt to me. She will be two at the end of March. Sierra is in the back, snacking on some dried grass. I am thankful that I can look out and see my little herd any time of day.
Happy Thanksgiving 3
Here’s a funny picture that you are looking at wondering how could I ever be thankful for a picture of some logs and an excavator….well, I am thankful for my silly thoughtful friends who send pictures of logs. But wait! In the red circle? Do you see it? It’s ET!!! I am thankful for laughter and silliness. It sure makes the world a funner place!

Happy Thanksgiving 4
I know that it’s obligatory to be thankful for family. But this year I am especially thankful for my husband and my children. They are my anchors in this sea of craziness called life. My dad and stepmom are right there on my thankful list too. Their love, encouragement and support have been amazing, but Jeff’s family has outdone themselves in this season of change in my life.

In everything, there is a purpose. In this season of Thankfulness, take a minute to count your blessings as well. See the connections and embrace your season of life. So, next time, I will post on sock knitting. I just felt compelled to post this today.

Happy cranking my friends! Love, Jamie